The numbers published by the luxury travel platforms “” and “” tell a clear story: the market for ultra-high end tourism in Switzerland is getting stronger on several fronts.
Zermatt, Gstaad and Verbier particularly benefited from this boom. Only St Moritz had a weaker growth than the other regions. Peter Zombori says: “St Moritz was – for us – somewhere that clients from the Greater Russia Area booked in the Ultra-Luxury segment. We now see a trend at the moment for these clients to increasingly go to Courchevel in the French Alps.
The Klosters region has shown the biggest drop with regards to the rental of top end Chalets. Peter Zombori explains the reason for this: “Klosters got lots of bookings during the World Economic Forum in Davos. With the opening of the new 5 star hotel in Davos and the subsequent increased capacity, the usual benefits of being so close to Davos during the WEF were smaller”
In a European context, Courchevel is certainly the big winner in the Ultra Luxury segment. No other destination saw a bigger increase in bookings, requests and booking volumes.
What are the reasons for this boom? “It certainly has something to do with what Courchevel offers” says Peter Zombori. “No other ski resort in Europe has so many 5 star hotels and Ultra luxury chalets”
Peter Zombori is confident for the future: “Switzerland is best positioned to maintain this trend – the unpleasant everyday domestic political events (i.e. Switzerland’s new immigration policy) will have no particular effect on this”
Peter Zombori is confident for the future: “Switzerland is best positioned to maintain this trend – the unpleasant everyday domestic political events (i.e. Switzerland’s new immigration policy) will have no particular effect on this”