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Oakham School, England – excellence at A-Level & IB Diploma exams
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Oakham is a boarding and day school in England for boys and girls aged 10 to 18. Located in a rural county town near London, the school offers a choice of A levels or IB in the sixth form.
A-Levels or IB

Oakham achieves impressive academic results at A Level and GCSE/IGCSE and is one of the UK’s Top Ten IB schools.

The school’s strength lies in challenging every individual to exceed his or her expectations through encouragement, pastoral support and a diversity of opportunity.

The Learning Habits at Oakham initiative develops lifelong learning skills and underpins all teaching at the school. Every pupil is valued and motivated to work hard.

Academic facilities include new Science and Design Technology centres, an art and design centre, one of the finest school libraries in the country, a theatre and a music school.

This leading private school enjoys national reputations in sport and music. Drama and the arts flourish. An extensive activities’ programme includes voluntary action both locally and overseas.

Oakham students are warm and approachable but confident and determined young people. It is a very exciting place to be.

Care and support

The House system is central to daily life, and with close and supportive guidance, every pupil is valued and motivated.

The school has extensive experience of welcoming international students and communication between home and school is actively encouraged.

Pupils regard their House as ‘home’ and their Housemaster or Housemistress as head of their school ‘family’.

A personal tutor supports each student and small tutorial groups meet regularly.

Spirit of Oakham

Friendly and unpretentious, a spirit of energy and innovation shapes life at Oakham.

Exposed to a wealth of opportunities and challenged to excel, students leave the school with an independent mind and well equipped to face the future with confidence, enthusiasm and a lifelong appetite for learning.

Oakham School, England

Telephone number:

Dr. Kulessa

Your school expert

My team and I will take care of your child’s future and find the best school for him or her.

+41 44 504 5555

Our Promise

  • 25 years of experience
  • All schools personally visited and checked
  • Free initial consultation
  • Tailor made advice



  • Senior Day Tuition

    £5,875 per term

  • Senior Boarding Tuition

    £9,785 per term

  • Junior Day Tuition

    £5,205 per term

  • Junior Boarding Tuition

    £7,985 per term


  • A-Level pass rate

    85% A*-B

  • GCSE pass rate

    1/4 of students achieved straight A*/As / 61.4% A*/A

  • IB Diploma Average


Teaching Environment

  • Total enrollment


  • Setting


  • Teacher - student ratio


Programmes of Study

  • Academic programmes

    A-Level / GCSE / IB Diploma / IGCSE

  • Extracurricular programmes

    Rugby / Hockey / Football / Theatre / Art / Music / Duke of Edinburgh's Award / Combined Cadet Force / Film Club / yoga / Volunteering / Weekend social and activities programme / Choice of 30 types of Sport


  • Main language


  • Language courses offered

    Spanish / German / Italian / Mandarin / Greek / ESL / EAL / Computerised language Lab


  • Girls


  • Boys


  • Age of entry to school

    10 +

  • Age of entry to boarding houses


University Preparation

  • Preparation course

    Yes - UK universities / Yes - US universities / Yes - other universities / Careers guidance

  • University counselling



  • Full boarding


  • Day pupils


  • Flexi-boarding


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Dr. Kulessa
Your school expert
My team and I will take care of your child’s future and find the best school for him or her.Contact Dr. Kulessa:


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