With impressive academic results at GCSE, A level and Oxbridge entrance, Abingdon is widely recognised as being one of the best boarding schools in Britain.
The school provides extensive extra-curricular opportunities and encourages every student to develop existing talents while trying something new as well.
The aim of Abingdon is to provide each boy with opportunity in a challenging environment and ensure that they achieve the most from their potential.
Pupils at this leading independent school come from a wide range of social and geographic backgrounds and from all faiths, creating a tolerant mix of cultures. Although the majority of the pupils are day students, boarding is also an important aspect in the character of the school.
Abingdon has a leading reputation for a sound academic tradition by offering a broad based curriculum that allows pupils to expand their basis of knowledge and skills.
The school has two libraries with a wide collection of resources and qualified staff so pupils can take full advantage to develop their imagination and learning strategies.
The essence of the school's learning support provision is that pupils, parents and staff work together in a spirit of constructive helpfulness which allows the pupils to reach their full potential across a wide range of curriculum.
The ethos at Abingdon is not to manufacture a child but to encourage initiative, individuality, and creativity whilst reinforcing the importance of respect and endeavour.
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