The school St. John's International School has top passing rates.
Boarding schools in Belgium are renowned for their focus on each student's unique personality.
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The school St. John's International School has top passing rates.
The school St. John's International School has a great ratio.
The school St. John's International School has very low class size.
St. John's International School offers football in the extracurricular activities.
St. John's International School offers golf lessons in the extracurricular activities.
St. John's International School offers tennis courses in the extracurricular activities.
St. John's International School offers an art program in the extracurricular activities.
St. John's International School offers a theatre program in the extracurricular activities.
The school St. John's International School provides language education in French.
The school St. John's International School provides language education in German.
The school St. John's International School provides state of the art counseling.
The school St. John's International School provides weekly boarding