In the heart of Lausanne, the Olympic Capital, lies Hirslanden Clinique Cecil, a historical monument that combines tradition and modernity to create a charming environment for its guests.
Geneva Airport is 40 min (60 km) away.
Clinique Cecil is a leading private hospital that is specialised in individual care. In collaboration with its affiliated physicians, Clinique Cecil offers outstanding expertise while providing individually-tailored medical care. The clinic offers patients a personalised plan of holistic care, modern facilities, experienced staff, and first-class treatments.
Areas of Specialisation
With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to excellent hospitality, Clinique Cecil provides high-quality medical expertise in a range of specialties, including cardiology, radiology, cardiovascular surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, surgical gynaecology and obstetrics, urology, neurosurgery, and internal medicine.
The hospital also features an intensive care unit accredited by the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SSMI), a 24/7 emergency department, and a dialysis center. Their goal is to make our guests feel at home by blending modern and traditional elements in their services.
Specific services for international patients
Facts and Figures
Founded in 1931 Clinique Cecil has 86 beds, among which 7 ICUs, 6 operating theatres and 2 delivery rooms. The clinic also has 387 affiliated specialists as well as several resident physicians to provide you with the highest level of individualised care. The clinic sees 4'500 inpatients and 53'000 outpatients per year.