What are the most frequent symptoms of a patient with prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer symptoms are very rare nowadays. Symptoms occur very late in the course of the illness. Patients used to seek a doctor when suffering from bonepains or significant problems when urinating, symptoms which occur in the advanced stadium of the illness. The PSA-testing, rectal-digital examination as well as the MRI diagnostics which are being done preventatively nowadays, should discover the cancer early enough, long before the symptoms would start to occur.
Men which have a prostate cancer occurrence in their family should have themselves tested yearly by their house doctor from the age of 40. All other men between the age of 50 and 70. Should there be any conspicuousness and/or problems when urinating, a urologist should be consulted. Further testing by way of the modern MRI-diagnostic and if neccessary the MRI-conducted prostate biopsy, are harmless and should not evoke any fears. The importance lies in detecting the aggressive cancer cells early enough in order to be able to prevent any symptoms from arising.
As mentioned above, it is of highest importance to detect the prostate cancer as early as possible, however not all types of prostate cancer will need to be treated.